Let’s Get More Time Virtual Summit brings together 20 speakers whose audiences are all filled with the type of people who want to get more efficient with their time.
This is the second annual virtual event that bring in 20 experts to educate busy working moms on how to be more efficient with their time without feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. The goal is that attendees will learn how to gain at least 4 hours to their week by the end of the summit.
Whether it is through organization, mindset shifts or digital tools, attendees are eager to learn new ways to be more efficient with their time.
Most of the attendees are moms, however we do attract students and dads to this summit as well.
In general, this is the age range of most of the attendees. Most of the attendees are mothers that have young children or teenage children.
Last year, 800 attendees joined us during the summit and we are striving for even more this year.
This is the number of times presentations that were played during the summit.
This is the number of attendees that upgraded to the VIP Pass.
Virtual summits are exciting events that bring together many motivated attendees looking for solutions. They are a fun way to generate new and exciting leads.
Let’s Get More TIme will attract warm leads for your business. Instead of investing in ads to a cold audience and nurturing them, I will bring warm leads to you.
Compared to ads, you will spend significantly less and get more customers. That’s because we will attract the right customers to you and make it easy for you to nurture them.
The summit attendees are ready and looking for ways to be more efficient and save time. They need your services, courses and products.
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If you are looking for a budget-friendly way to get quality leads, being a Goodie Bag Partner is a great option. The Goodie Bag is a virtual bag of freebies for all summit attendees. It is shared in every summit email to attendees. So whenever we reference the Goodie Bag, your contribution will also be listed in that email. The Goodie Bag will be listed on a dedicated page on the summit website.
Email me at toni-ann@realhappymom.com